Friday, October 24, 2008

first customer

I received the following email today:

Bom dia lady Chou, I am finding you through the intraweb when looking for french hotel and please tell me if you have special price for grandparents when inserted in the familiar group? In picture of bathroom - is that private or convivial? Are you near place of architectonic interest?

José Eduardo Santos Tavares Melo Silva



Anonymous said...

I think Mr Hi Ho Silva is taking the p***!

HC said...

Definately the type of clientelle that Le Moulin is looking for!

Been on the online translator and it appears that they may be Portuguese.

Not sure about inserting grandparents "in the familiar group". You'd definately require a "convivial" bathroom after the fact.

According to Wiki, "architectonic" pertains to "architecture, or suggesting the qualities of architecture". You've got some of that!!

Just beware that "Melo Silva" translates from the Portuguese as "I make bramble sticky"!!!?

Winkle Picker said...

It's apparent the chap's first lingo isn't English and may have misunderstood your blog - because Exhibit A is the BEFORE pic - right?!

Then again, if you can pull in the punters based on that standard of accommodation, untold riches await you!!