Monday, March 17, 2008

two blind mice

I phoned Dad tonight to tell him about my blog. I said I would email him the url, but because he's a bit of a technophobe (he's only just mastered email) and I'm rubbish at giving instructions, things got a bit tricky after that. Mum's the computer whizz chez eux, but she's on holiday (frittering away our inheritance) so it was a case of the blind leading the blind:

Me: You have to highlight the address with your mouse, then right click, click on copy and then ....

Dad: What mouse?

Me: You know - the thingy attached to the side of the computer by a bit of string.

Dad: Hang on. I'm going to have to write this down.

Me: Then you have to right click on copy and open your web browser.

Dad: Where's that?

Me: On your desktop. You know - the 'e' for internet.

Dad: Eh?

Me: Look at your desktop and there's a big 'e' thingy. Can you see it?

Dad: I'm looking at the desktop but all I can see are some post-its and my marmite sandwich.

Me: No, on the PC ..... maybe you should wait until Mum gets back?

After I hung up, BB, who had been listening to the whole conversation, looked up from the instructions for his new tilting arbor spindle moulder (try saying that when you've had a couple of beers) and said: "why didn't you just tell him to click on the link in the email?"


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